Are you happy with your relationship with food?
Our relationship with food is meant to be a wondrous thing.
Not only does it fuel our bodies, but it is also medicinal, helping us to be strong and energetic both physically and mentally.
So, when did our relationship with food change?
Having busy lives, dealing with past trauma and possessing negative self-beliefs are just some of the reasons why we no longer respect our bodies and the food we put into them.​
Think about your struggles...
Would you like to learn how to have a healthy relationship with food?
Do you feel like you have low self esteem when it comes to your body image?
Have you had to cope with past or present eating disorders?
Are you experiencing health issues, such as diabetes, IBS, high blood pressure or obesity?
Maybe you are suffering from anxiety, stress or depression?

It's time for you to trust your body again and make peace with food.
Eating can be EASY, FUN and completely GUILT-FREE...
By working together, you can take back control of your relationship with food. Make positive and healthy changes that will change your life forever - no faddy diets or counting calories.
By focusing on yourself internally and working through a range of techniques, we can create a happier and healthier future.
Be in control
Be the best version of yourself
Be confident
Be knowledgeable
Be healthier
Be happier
And KNOW your self-worth
Reconnect with your body and become a happy eater

I'll be honest with you, I haven't had the best relationship with food in the past.
I was never mindful of food and felt like it was something you did to fuel your body. I would comfort eat at times and then look in a mirror and not really like the person I saw staring back at me. I wanted to change my relationship with food in a meaningful and lasting way because I bloody hate a diet!
I have spent a lot of time, money and dedication working on the psychology of food (naturally as a therapist!) and designing a program which targets your thoughts and emotions when it comes to your relationship with food.
I practice what I preach and the changes I have made both to my food choices and my mindset when it comes to food have made a profound and lasting impact on my life.
I can help YOU to overcome your limiting beliefs and make positive pathways for your future. I use a variety of techniques including hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT), mindfulness and conscious conversation to guide you on your food transformation.
My vision is to guide my clients with three overarching principles - love, laughter and life lessons.
So, let's get to work and change your relationship with food forever.
And I've been exactly where you are now

Each week we will be focusing on a different area of your mindset and past experiences to forge a healthier and more positive future with food.
Here's what we'll be looking at...
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Introduction and Expectations for the Intuitive Eater
Building trust and allowing these sessions to be a safe space to be yourself is imperative for your journey to have a lasting impact. We'll chat in detail about where you have been, where you are now and where you want to be, to ensure that you start on the right path and get the most out of our sessions together.
How Relaxation Can Allow You to Enjoy Food
When your mind is busy or stressed, you are not mindful with the task at hand. Being thoughtful about food takes a back seat and you'll eat because you need to, not because you want to. This session looks at how you can readdress this balance and sets you up with the tools for success for the rest of the course.
Myth Busting
There are so many different types of diet, exercise and ways to "lose weight" that we are surrounded by constantly. We're going to cut through the crap and why none of these things ever work. Your confidence has been knocked over the years but by understanding truth from tales, you will begin to work that confidence back up again.
Learn to Love a Positive Body Image
The absolute antithesis of happiness is learning to love yourself. When you are genuinely happy with the way your body looks and appreciate it for all the AMAZING stuff that it does, you will gain increased confidence and embrace life more.
Identify and Address Eating Issues and Food Triggers
You do everything for a reason, mostly subconsciously. This session will help you to dig inside and identify the root cause of your behaviour patterns and how to tackle them at this deeper level, ensuring your new food habits become sustainable and not fleeting.
Release the Shackles between Food and Mood
Have you ever noticed a correlation between your mood and the food you eat? You might choose food which comforts you, but the nutrition of that particular food may be low. What ensues is a vicious cycle of eating to feel better but feeling rubbish because of the food we eat. Breaking this cycle will lead to a happier relationship with yourself and with food.
Positive Habits to Encourage Healthy Choices
Incorporating small, manageable habits into your life soon build to become routine and eventually end up as a way of life. Now is the time to create and instill positive habits into your relationship with food as this will be the foundation to setting up a sustainable healthy lifestyle without pandering to faddy diets.
Moving Forwards to becoming a Happier Eater
You are not alone! We will ensure that you have the tools, mindset and confidence to keep succeeding with your food journey so you can connect, love and place trust in your mind and body again. It's time to embrace having the happier relationship with food you've always wanted.
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
From participating in this course you will...
Have confidence with your food choices but also with your body.
Find motivation and determination within yourself to change your life for the better.
Ditch diets and never feel guilty about what you eat.
Look in the mirror every day proud of who you are.
Change your thinking from a negative to a positive mindset.
Be supported and guided by an experienced therapist with over 20 years in the industry.
Be part of a community who are on the same journey as yourself so you never feel isolated.

Course Details
The course starts on Monday 27th June
8:00 - 9:30 pm
8 weekly sessions on a Monday evening
Each session is 90 minutes long (8:00 - 9:30pm)
Sessions are online via Zoom/Teams
10 spaces available
Book before Monday 13th June for the Early Bird Payment Plan AND a juicy bonus
Invest In Yourself
Payment in Full
ONLY £297
Early Bird Payment Plan
ONLY £99 x3
Find out what my previous clients have thought...

Gemma Holden
Neena is an amazing therapist! I have had 6 sessions with her and all I can say is wow!!!
I came with something I thought was an issue and it really was just the cherry on the top of all of the other stuff we needed to get through. We have gone back to some very serious and emotional things that I needed to heal that have been sabotaging me in some areas of life. And just seeing how this all links together is absolutely mind-blowing!
The connection as well has been amazing
I am so grateful for you Neena and I will look forward to our monthly maintenance sessions!

Fiona Green
For me, this woman has been life-changing. I have tried several different types of therapy and counselling over the past 2 years which were ok, until I met Neena. Coming from a very dark place with post-natal depression and not really knowing who I was anymore, she has helped me get to the ROOT problem (not just the problems I thought I had). Not only has she given me support and encouragement, but very clear, helpful and practical techniques that I can continue using throughout my life. She certainly does infuse her therapy with love, laughter and life-lessons and I can't recommend her highly enough x

If you sign up for the course before the end of Monday 13th June, I have a few little extra special FREE bonuses for you...
You will get a FREE 30 minute 1:1 session with me to talk about whatever you want. Use this session to focus in-depth about your relationship with food OR we could discuss something else entirely.
Extended payment plan to spread out your course payments over 3 months and lighten the load.
Payment in Full
ONLY £297
Early Bird Payment Plan
ONLY £99 x3

If you are still undecided, please have a look at some commonly asked questions below or contact me for a free chat about it

Will this program guarantee weight loss?
The purpose of this program is to establish a healthier relationship with food and to encourage participants to enjoy the simplicity of nutritionally balanced food. As a result of this, you may lose weight but the overall purpose is for lifestyle change.
What do you mean by 'healthy relationship with food?'
You will learn and understand the emotional connection between why we eat, what we eat and when we eat. By understanding our reasoning for things, we can become more aware and mindful of the decisions we make.
Will I be hypnotised during sessions?
No you wont be hypnotised. However, you will be taught how to 'self-hypnotise' to help you relax and create a more positive mindset when it comes to eating and the choices you make relating to food.
What if I can't attend one of the sessions?
All the sessions will be recorded, so you can catch up at time that suits you.