It’s fine for me to wobble…
In FEAR that I may fall
My legs so weak and trembling
Where once I stood so tall
A fear that I may stumble…
To trip and take a tumble…
Frustrated that my speed…now slow…
So much to do…so far to go…
And take a BREATH…
See balance so much deeper
The way I think …the way I feel
For me to walk upon this path
BELIEF must be a keeper
The sways… the bends…the pushes…
The stretches and the strain
Every tiny muscle for me to feel that PAIN
Reminds me…I am human
On this see-saw I call life
Sometimes it feels so heavy
With it’s worry and it’s strife
The ups…the downs…
The lows…the highs…
Just hang on tight and close my eyes…
See far beyond horizons
And soar with open wings
Then listen very carefully to my heart and how it sings
For when I dare to TRUST and LOVE …embrace support I’m shown
However, SCARED I feel inside
Step into that unknown
To feel it’s safe to wobble and step beyond that FEAR
To hold that space to pause a while
Or wipe away a tear
It’s fine for me to wobble…
To navigate my way
For JOY that comes with balance…I know it’s safe to sway.